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TRAIN YOUR DOG THE EASY WAY By Danny and Sylvia Wilson

Bark Busters Books

TRAIN YOUR DOG THE EASY WAY By Danny and Sylvia Wilson

TRAIN YOUR DOG THE EASY WAY By Danny and Sylvia Wilson

Ask not what to do for your dog-but what you want your dog to do for you!

Okay, so it’s not an entirely original thought. But, after nearly 20 years with the media as a reporter/producer, I thought I’d seen, heard and reported on just about every “new” approach to everyday problems. Then I met Danny and Sylvia Wilson. In one short lesson I watched them cure two barking, out-of-control, food-aggressive spaniels.

Although I watched and videotaped the entire session (which was later broadcast on Australia’s Seven Network program 11 AM), for the life of me I couldn’t work out exactly how they did it.

Somehow, Danny and Sylvia seemed to know a split second before the dog itself that an attack, involving lightning-fast, bonecrunching bites, was about to occur. Those teeth never connected with flesh, the barking was halted, the dogs walked calmly on leads, and within an hour the eternally grateful owner was well on the way to being able to exert similar control.

How do they do it? Well, to put it simply, Danny and Sylvia Wilson have unraveled the secrets of doggy body language. They’re the Allan Pease of the dog world! (I’m referring to the human body language expert and author of several books on how to control others by understanding their gestures well enough to read their thoughts.)

Now, at long last, the Wilsons have explained the techniques I couldn’t fathom in this book. I couldn’t put down Train Your Dog the Easy Way, because at long last it became clear to me what makes dogs tick, and how we humans can easily take advantage of our knowledge of doggy protocol in order to be in command.

Also, as you will discover, it’s fun to read about the classic mistakes we make when training dogs–and to realize how easily they can be corrected with Danny and Sylvia’s simple methods. I wish they’d written this book years ago!

Which brings me back to my opening line about what we want from our canine pals. We want a dog that’s happy and well adjusted because it knows exactly what is and isn’t acceptable to us, and exactly where it fits into the “pack” that inhabits its particular home.

I can’t help but think that the more we know about communicating with dogs, the less chance there is of us, and especially our children, being accidentally bitten by them.

So, with Danny and Sylvia’s book in hand, I’m off to practice my new-found knowledge on my new puppy, Kismet, in the hope that she’ll be less confused than her older playmate Cosmo who, at 18 months of age, will be learning that older dogs really can be taught new tricks!

Kaye Browne Freelance TV Producer/Writer

Meeting Danny and Sylvia Wilson was a real eye-opener for me, not to mention what it did for our German shepherd, Beowulf. Beo is three and a half years old, and has been the boss of our house all his life.

I was introduced to the Wilsons and their philosophy through my daughter Tracey, a journalist who’d met them while doing a story. She called me that same day to say, “Dad, you’ve just got to see what these guys can do. You won’t believe it. And it’s so simple!”

I was, to put it mildly, highly skeptical. After all, I’d owned and trained four German shepherds over the years, so I was something of an expert, right?

Beo has never really been a problem. He just pulls me all over the place when we’re out walking, and takes off after dogs, cats, birds, and, for reasons known only to himself, white Toyota vans. If I don’t let go of the lead I get dragged along the grass.

Well, guess what? In just 15 minutes Danny and Sylvia changed it all. Beo is a new dog. He now walks with me, with or without the lead, and he never leaves my left side. He is continually looking at me, waiting for his next command. He was always a beautiful dog; he’s just better now.

Danny and Sylvia said that I must get my clog’s respect. Well, I have that now. But, more importantly, the Wilsons have mine. Thank you Danny, and Sylvia.

Philip Curro Dog Owner

Bark Busters International profile

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